Why are you doing this?

Because we can all get a little wiser, a little stronger, a little better.

There are some valuable insights we can gain by studying the Samurai, and all the influences surrounding their culture.

Who are you?

Who are YOU? Don’t separate the flower from the fruit, and make much less of one than the other.

What am I supposed to do with this website?

Read the stuff that interests you.

Read the stuff you disagree with but don’t have a strong counter-argument against.

Challenge your understanding. Gain true personal wisdom.

So… I’m supposed to read… and that’s it?

No! That’s not the point.



It is not enough to have knowledge, we must APPLY knowledge for it to have use.

And the process of application, observation, experimentation, repetition, re-orientation, and conversation will naturally lead to attainment of more and more wisdom.

Start with the fundamentals, the essential principles - and expand outward through ACTION!